North-east record fairs in late December

Two cracking record fairs to let you know about happening in the north-east of England post-Xmas. Many collectors regard these fairs as the best of the year as they’re always full of dealers, many of whom travel and it’s their only visit to the north-east during the year.
Newcastle Record Fair
Sun Dec 29 2019 at 10:00 am
Copthorne Hotel Newcastle, The Close, Quayside, NE1 3RT Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Doors open 10AM and close 4PM £2 admin enq. – 077020308277
For the end of year fair they have dealers travelling from London, Scotland, Yorks, Lancs as well as local sellers. Enquiries tel.:O772O 3O8277

The day before there’s a sixty stall fair at Middlesbrough Town Hall Saturday 28th December 9.30am – 4pm Entry – £2
After three successful smaller fairs in the new Old Fire Station venue this year within the Town Hall we’re set up well for the BIG annual Christmas Fair back in The Crypt with over 60 tables
Dealers from across the UK are already booked in for this event.
We also welcome new dealers to our fairs with competitive table rates and a massive promotion campaign making this the most popular Record Fair of the year
Come along and meet the dealers for a great day out!
After the success of last year’s Christmas Fair we have been inundated with requests for tables from dealers. The Fair is now fully booked with a waiting list of dealers wanting tables